Ναταλία Μπαζαίου


  • Installation
  • Project Architect: Natalia Bazaiou Rasmus Iversen Ivo Vidal Iversen
  • Status: Architectural Competition
  • Date: 2023
  • Location: Bernheim Forest, Kentucky, USA

The installation focuses on experiencing nature. The six senses are brought together in nature's symphony.

A metallic circular construction amidst the forest, invites you into a secluded feeling of being alone in nature and letting you concentrate on all six senses (touch, see, hear, taste, smell, and the sense of poetic rhythm in lifestimulating imagination and contemplating).

A symphony of water is created by fog, snow, rain, and dew. Water drips through a hole at the top and bottom of reused steel barrels, creating acoustic experiences and dropping as a droplet that you can taste, gaze, and hear. Three linear holes allow air to enter from the side, enhancing and altering the sound and tone of water. Viewers become part of nature's symphony. Nature plays with us rather than us with nature. As a result, the interactive play changes sides and engages you in different ways. Top and bottom of the barrels are supported by the natural material of hemp ropes. The reused steel barrels refer to Africans sold at slave auctions in the 18th century bringing with them the use of talking drums to communicate across distances. Additionally, iron is a symbol of the industrialized society that has led to human alienation from nature. As for rope, in many cultures, it has a spiritual meaning and represents the thread of life. Hemp ropes have played a significant role in the history of the United States. As well as being used in the construction of the first American flag, hemp ropes were most probably used on the ships of Christopher Columbus.

Lichens cover the surface of the structure in unpredictable ways, as nature has a way of doing. Since lichens are a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms, a fungus and an alga, they grow in different colors: green, brown, red, gold, creating a colorful biodiversity. As an organism, lichens are essential for the ecosystem for various reasons. Plants and trees rely on them for nutrients and survival, they convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis and they absorbe pollutants in their atmosphere.

Materials in use in this project have either been repurposed from other uses(reused steel barrels), can be reused in other ways (metallic walls), or are biodegradable(hemp ropes). Hence, no construction residues will be left behind, resulting in a very low environmental impact.

Materials,experiences & nature's integration form a narrative that is inclusive,poetic & everchanging just like nature itself.